Bowmen Of Leeds

About Us

The "About Us" pages contain various types of information about the club, that might be useful to members and prospective members of the club.


There are various fees associate with the club:

Club Fees

The club's membership year runs from April to the following March. Club fees are evaluated and may be changed as necessary at the club's AGM, normally held in February or March. At the current time, the club fees are:

Full Bowmen Of Leeds Club Fees
 Annually Per Month [ 4 ]
Senior [ 1 ] £70.00 £6.00
Student [ 2 ] £45.00 £3.75
Junior [ 3 ] £35.00 £3.00

Outside Membership Fees
 AnnuallyPer Month [ 4 ]
Senior [ 1 ] £45.00 £3.74
Student [ 2 ] £35.00 £3.00
Junior [ 3 ] £25.00 £2.10

[ 1 ] Senior = 18 and over
[ 2 ] Student = 18 - 24 in full time education
[ 3 ] Junior = 17 and under
[ 4 ] If joining mid-year (up to next March inclusive).

Club fees run from April (to follow the AGM) to the following MArch. People wishing to join mid-year need only pay from the month of joining to March (inclusive) at the rate shown in above tables.

Archery GB National Fees

Anyone wishing to shoot at the club is required to be Archery GB registered (for insurance purposes and more). Their Fee year runs from October to September. Full and current details can be found on the Archery GB Fees page. Please refer to their page for full details, as their fee structure is quite complex.

Local Affiliation Fees

In 2016 the Archery GB rules staryed to insist that you must also join your County and Regional archery affilications. The club is affiliated with the Yorkshire Archery Association (YAA) and Northern Counties Archery Society (NCAS). Fees for their affiliation is also required. These are paid annually (no pro rate scheme). Full information can be found on the YAA Administration page.

YAA and NCAS years are in line with the Archery GB year: October to September.

Club Juniors Combined Package

With the changes to junior membership by Archery GB/GNAS in 2016, the junior block fee has been abandoned. So the Bowmen Of Leeds Junior subscription package which includes Archery  GB fees plus YAA and NCAS Local Affiliation fees has been replaced by individual payments since 2016. In 2020, the YAA and NCAS combined fees were set at just 60p for juniors and disabled.

Annual Fee "Summery" (2024 - 2025)

Duration:April - MarchOctober - September
 Club Achery GBYAANCAS
Senior (New) 25+ £70.00 £53.00 £4.00£2.00
Senior (Renew) 25+ £70.00 £50.00£4.00£2.00
Young Adult (New) 18-24£40.00 £16.00 £4.00£2.00
Young Adult (New) 18-24 £35.00 £17.00 £4.00£2.00
Junior (New) Up to 17 £35.00 £17.00 £0.40£0.20
Junior (renew) Up to 17 £35.00 £13.00 £0.40£0.20
Disabled (New) £70/£40/£35
As above by age group
£17.00 £0.40£0.20
Disabled (Renew)£70/£40/£35
As above by age group
£13.00 £0.40£0.20
Outside Membership
 Club Achery GBYAANCAS
Senior (New) 25+ £45.00 £53.00 £4.00£2.00
Senior (Renew) 25+ £45.00 £50.00 £4.00£2.00
Young Adult (New) 18-24 £35.00 £17.00 £4.00£2.00
Young Adult (New) 18-24 £35.00 £13.00 £4.00£2.00
Junior (New) Up to 17 £25.00 £17.00 £0.40£0.20
Junior (renew) Up to 17 £20.00 £13.00 £0.40£0.20
Disabled (New) £45/£35/£25
As above by age group
£17.00 £0.40£0.20
Disabled (Renew) £45/£35/£25
As above by age group
£13.00 £0.40£0.20

For further information about the various fees, please contact the Club Treasurer using the form on the Contact Us page.

Hire of Equipment

Members joining through the Beginner's Course may continue to hire the equipment they used during the course from the club, so that they can build up muscle and improve technique before considering the purchase of their own equipment. We strongly advise waiting a minimum of still six months, before considering the purchase of your own equipment, as your body will continue to develop and your technique will change during these initial months, meaning that any equipment purchased during this time will very quickly become obsolete to yourself. Yes, you can upgrade the limbs and change the arrows, but all this is extra expense that could be avoided by waiting until such time as you are properly ready. In the meantime, equipment can be hired very reasonably as follows:

6 Months Hire

Note: Hired equipment is only to be kept and shot at the club, not taken home.

We will continue to change your equipment as you improve your stature and technique though the period of hire. Once you are ready to purchase, we will be happy to give advice and measure you up to ensure you get the perfect bow and arrow combination for yourself, and if requested, an experienced member may even be able to accompany you on your initial purchase to provide any assistance if needed.

Face Fee

At each session in the Miner's Welfare Hall Garforth, we charge everyone a 50p "Face Fee" at each session you attend which goes towards the costs of replacing target faces and other minor club costs. However a refreshment drink is made available during the session free of charge. Currently we do not charge a face fee at Gt. Preston because the equipment costs there are covered from the Hall face fees. This may change in future if we find costs at Gt. Preston are exceeding current expenses.

Visitor Shooting Fee

We ask visitors to pay a small Visitor Shooting fee at each session they attend, of £3.00 per person. A refreshment drink (tea, coffeé or juice) will normally be made available during the session free of charge.

Note: Due to the size limitations of the hall, advanced booking for visitors is required. Please contact the club secretary.

Gt. Preston Cricket Club

For our outdoor shooting sessions, we use the grounds of Great Preston Cricket Club.  In return they ask our members to join their Social Club schemes if you wish to shoot on their ground with us.  This provides access to their facilities and supplemented bar prices.  So if you wish to shoot at Gt. Preston with our club, we do ask that you join the scheme.  These are only a few pounds for a year's membership and are well worth the extra costs involved. Membership can be arranged at the bar of the social club on your first visit, after which you you simply show your membership card to obtain their great prices on subsequent visits.

By having our members join their scheme, the social club also allows our members to use their facilities for our own social events, which we do occasionally, such as an annual BBQ and fun events day most summers.

Other About Us sections: