Below are several photogrpahs from the wonderfully sunny day when the club set upa Have-a-Go stall at the annual Garforth Gala on Sunday 30th June 2013.
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We set up our Have-a-Go stall and it turned out ot be one of the best value stalls on the site that day.
We even had out very own Maid Marian (Karen) and Robin Hood (Adam).
Karen even made her lovely outfit herself.
Some early customers on the line with individual coaching
There were many other stalls at the Gala, abd the main ring was busy all day with many different events including cheerleaders troupes like this, clowns, kids games, and much more.
A pipe band entertains the crowd in the main arena.
We had a steady queue of customers pretty much all day long.
By the end of the day we had made made more money than in any previous Gala day event. After covering our costs, the profits were spit between the Garforth Lions and to Joseph Lilywhite who has a rare cancer.